Brain-Teaser 350: Catering crisis

From The Sunday Times, 21st January 1968 [link]

The caterer at our Village Hall is in a quandary, as the Hall has been double-booked for next Saturday — by the Cricket Club and the Darts Club.

Unfortunately the matter cannot be resolved until the return of the Vicar on Saturday morning. He is quite unpredictable in such decisions, and the caterer must order the food by Friday.

The Cricketers want 100 sausage rolls and 60 meat pies; the Darts Club wants 50 sausage rolls and 90 meat pies.

The caterer is empowered to spend exactly £6.00. He buys sausage rolls at 3p and sells at 4p; meat pies cost him 5p and sell at 8p. Any left-overs are disposed of at a loss to a local prep school, which pays 2p per sausage roll and 3p a pie.

What should the caterer order so that he makes the best safe profit no matter which club gets the booking? And what will that profit be?

This puzzle is included in the book Sunday Times Brain Teasers (1974). The puzzle text is taken from the book.
