Brain-Teaser 851: Hay fever foiled

From The Sunday Times, 6th November 1977 [link]

Our garden has paths as shown in the plan above. At each junction of paths there is a different variety of plant. The shortest walk (along the paths) from the Marigold to the Sneezewort passes only the Tickseed, and the shortest walk from the Nasturtium to the Quitch passes two plants, one of which is the Lobelia.

My wife suffers from hay fever and so she never walks past the irritating Rosemary, Sneezewort or Tickseed. We are still able to walk together on the shortest route from the Polyanthus to the Nasturtium (past one other plant), but she has to walk over twice as far as in going from the Orpine to the Marigold.

List the plants, in order, which my wife passes when taking her shortest route from the Nasturtium to the Marigold.

This puzzle is included in the book The Sunday Times Book of Brain-Teasers: Book 1 (1980). The puzzle text above is taken from the book.
